The Non Labor Day


Labor Day weekend is upon us, so I’m sharing a great idea for a terrific party because it was super successful for us! I think the best part is that I did all of the prep the day before. So, on party day, I didn’t have to do any cooking. (My husband did some grilling the day of, but it was quick and earlier in the day. That way, the yard wasn’t all smoky and hot while we entertained outside.)




We are lucky enough to travel with some fabulous SF Jazz friends each year. We enjoy a lot of great meals and cocktails together on our trips, and it was time for us to enjoy some at our home. Bloodies and Chowder was the theme. So, surprise! I served Bloody Mary’s and Clam Chowder! And cheese, crackers, and humus as appetizers, salad, grilled chicken and tri tip, and plum desserts with the plums from our tree! The guests brought amazing breads and delicious pie. The weather was perfect, which added to the lovely afternoon in our garden!


A Labor-Free Labor Day


Remember, shop earlier in the week, so you don’t have to stress at the last minute. All of these recipes are GREAT when made the day before serving. You may be busy on the penultimate day, but you will be very relaxed when your guests arrive on party day!


Enjoy the recipes below! (Photos by yours truly and the uber talented Aleeza Zinn)

Of course, you will be serving decaf along with the desserts!


Let us know how it goes!


Happy Labor Day!


Stay tuned for my peach extravaganza blog post!



Carrie Green Zinn

Carrie Green Zinn

Carrie Green Zinn is the owner and author of Carrie Green Zinn – A Travel Blog, which helps travelers become inspired to explore and step out of their comfort zones. Carrie focuses on family vacations, empty nest travel, and girlfriend getaways. Her work is informed by her life as a former dancer, therapist, and school psychologist. She brings her passion for writing, photography, and making the world a smaller place to her ever growing blogging audience.

Hi There! I’m Carrie.

Carrie Green-Zinn Bio Page

I’m a native New Englander, turned New Yorker, turned California girl! Following a dance career, working as a dance therapist, and being a school psychologist, I’m now ready to share my passion for photography and travel with you! I absolutely love seeing the world with my family and friends. I know you feel the same! Let’s go!